Bruce C. Van Arsdale Funeral Home has been serving Somerville area families for years. We are honored to be a part of the rich history of this community and plan to be a part of it for many years to come.
May of 2000 marked the opening of Somerville's much needed third funeral home, owned and operated by Bruce VanArsdale, a name that has been recognized across central New Jersey for personal service in this industry for decades. Spinning off from the family business to venture out on their own was an easy decision for Bruce and wife Linda, active partners in the new venture. Committed to remaining in Somerville, the couple leased and renovated a one story former office building on Gaston Ave.
Though undercapitalized at the outset, the couple worked diligently to enhance their reputation, making certain that families coming to the Bruce C. VanArsdale Funeral Home received the highest level of personal service in their time of greatest need.
The first year of operation brought 50 families through the doors, with Linda handling business operations and Bruce ensuring that every need of every family was met and exceeded. As the business grew, it became obvious that a new location for a new funeral home was needed.
Fortunately, next door to the existing funeral home were two run down vacant residences. An investment of more than $1 million resulted in the razing of the two buildings and the constructionof a state-of-the-art funeral home.
In February 2005, Bruce and Linda was proud to announce the opening of their new facility on Gaston Ave in Somerville. The building is large and spacious and provides a comfortable atmosphere. The large foyer, accented with a two sided fireplace and fine traditional furniture give comfort and warmth. The new facility has increased volume to over 150 funeral call per year, and employees a staff of ten.